Curriculum At-A-Glance
UArizona's new General Education curriculum focuses on perspective-taking, interdisciplinary thinking, and reflection. The program is 32 units in total and has been designed to respond to faculty and student feedback and to align with the Arizona Board of Regents' (ABOR) General Education policy.

A new 1-unit course introducing students to the conceptual foundations of UArizona's new General Education curriculum (perspective-taking, interdisciplinary thinking, reflection on learning), starting ePortfolios, developing digital literacy practices, and transitioning to the University of Arizona, including supporting student well-being.

(3 courses, 9 units variable)
Foundations courses engage students in critical thinking and prepare them for future college work (typically 9 units). Students must take or accomplish the equivalency of Math, Writing, and Second Language.

Exploring Perspectives
(4 Perspectives, 12 units)
In Exploring Perspectives courses, students will explore and practice the varied approaches and ways of reasoning of the Artist, Humanist, Natural Scientist, and Social Scientist.

Building Connections
(9 units)
In Building Connections courses, students will explore the unique contributions of knowledge, skills, methodologies, values and perspectives from varied disciplines and social positions.

A new 1-unit course designed to help students reflect upon and make meaning of the General Education experience through the refinement of their ePortfolio.

Find out more about ePortfolios and how they can transform student experiences by visiting this new website!