As of March 20, 2023, instructors may submit modified or new general education course proposals.
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Before you propose, make sure that you:
- Participate in either the Self-Paced Quick Start (any time) or Quick Start Live-Online. Quick Start provides an introduction to the goals of the General Education program and courses as well as support for successfully designing a course for review.
- Prepare proposal materials (updated General Education proposal form and syllabus).
- If applicable, share the proposal with curriculum committees internal to their college and/or department for approval.
As a reminder, the submission opening is NOT a due date, but instead a return to the regular Curricular Affairs’ calendar of deadlines (See “Dates and Deadlines”).
General Education courses and modifications to courses must be proposed by a faculty member from any track or rank. Graduate students and Post-Docs cannot propose a course, but they are welcome to participate in Quick Start as space is available.
Proposers can submit proposals for:
- Courses previously nominated under the expedited process but never submitted;
- Courses currently offered in the GE Tiers program that have not been revised;
- Major, Minor, or Elective courses for GE modification;
- A brand-new course that would carry GE credit.
Multiple support opportunities are available for instructors proposing courses:
- The Office of General Education has updated the Self-Paced Quick Start with the latest materials instructors need to propose a course. Click here for information and self-registration instructions.
- Registration is now open for the single Fall 2025 offering of the Quick Start Live-Online (Sept, 2025). Contact Katie Southard ( to register.
The course proposal submission process has return to the standard UAccess Course Management system. Because all college and department approval routing occurs in the UAccess system, the Office of General Education no longer requires course nominations.